More Statistics

Category Number Entered Number Started Number Finished Percent Finished
Countries of Residence Represented
Andorra 1 1 1 100.0%
Argentina 19 17 17 100.0%
Australia 156 133 132 99.3%
Austria 24 22 21 95.5%
Bahamas 3 2 2 100.0%
Bahrain 1 - - -
Bangladesh 1 1 - -
Belarus 1 1 1 100.0%
Belgium 41 36 36 100.0%
Bermuda 16 15 15 100.0%
Bolivia 1 - - -
Brazil 129 104 101 97.1%
British Virgin Islands (UK) 1 1 1 100.0%
Canada 2438 2193 2169 98.9%
Cayman Islands 5 4 4 100.0%
Chile 59 48 48 100.0%
China 75 66 65 98.5%
Colombia 64 58 57 98.3%
Costa Rica 26 22 22 100.0%
Croatia 4 3 3 100.0%
Cyprus 1 1 1 100.0%
Czech Republic 5 5 5 100.0%
Denmark 58 49 49 100.0%
Dominican Republic 4 4 4 100.0%
Ecuador 8 6 6 100.0%
Egypt 1 - - -
El Salvador 5 3 3 100.0%
Eritrea 1 1 - -
Estonia 2 2 2 100.0%
Ethiopia 8 8 7 87.5%
Finland 26 22 21 95.5%
France 111 105 102 97.1%
Germany 191 178 176 98.9%
Greece 4 3 3 100.0%
Guatemala 25 23 23 100.0%
Hong Kong 82 74 73 98.7%
Iceland 10 9 9 100.0%
India 10 9 8 88.9%
Indonesia 3 3 3 100.0%
Ireland 91 80 79 98.8%
Islamic Republic of Iran 1 - - -
Israel 15 14 14 100.0%
Italy 176 161 156 96.9%
Jamaica 1 1 1 100.0%
Japan 165 151 143 94.7%
Kenya 11 11 9 81.8%
Korea, Republic of 96 89 88 98.9%
Latvia 1 1 1 100.0%
Liechtenstein 1 1 1 100.0%
Lithuania 2 2 2 100.0%
Luxembourg 1 1 1 100.0%
Malaysia 5 4 4 100.0%
Mexico 289 235 231 98.3%
Morocco 2 2 2 100.0%
Netherlands 85 79 79 100.0%
Netherlands Antilles 2 1 1 100.0%
New Zealand 30 24 23 95.8%
Norway 42 37 37 100.0%
Oman 1 1 1 100.0%
Pakistan 2 1 - -
Panama 7 7 7 100.0%
Peru 15 14 13 92.9%
Philippines 2 2 2 100.0%
Poland 24 19 19 100.0%
Portugal 9 7 7 100.0%
Qatar 2 1 1 100.0%
Romania 4 3 3 100.0%
Russian Federation 20 15 15 100.0%
Singapore 32 29 27 93.1%
Slovakia 19 16 16 100.0%
Slovenia 5 3 3 100.0%
South Africa 30 28 27 96.4%
Spain 88 76 73 96.1%
Sweden 78 71 71 100.0%
Switzerland 70 65 62 95.4%
Taiwan 22 22 21 95.5%
Thailand 1 - - -
Trinidad and Tobago 3 3 3 100.0%
Turkey 5 3 3 100.0%
Uganda 1 1 1 100.0%
Ukraine 1 1 1 100.0%
United Arab Emirates 2 2 2 100.0%
United Kingdom 323 286 283 99.0%
United States of America 24909 22427 21936 97.8%
Uruguay 2 1 1 100.0%
Venezuela 18 14 14 100.0%
Vietnam 2 1 1 100.0%